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Forget your ex


Move reminders of your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend out of the everyday places on your iPhone and into a Breakup Box, safely tucked away - forgotten but not gone.

Breakup Box


Privacy Policy

The Breakup Box mobile app does not ask for or collect any user information. The images, videos, and notes saved within the Breakup Box app are stored locally on the iOS device - they are not uploaded to servers, except via the explicit user action of the premium 'upload' feature. Additionally, when sending a support email via Contact Support option, summary information is included in a plain text file within that email.

Breakup Box's premium 'upload' feature requires that it connects to a user's Dropbox account, Google Drive account, and/or Apple iCloud Drive account. When connecting to Dropbox and Google Drive, a user id and password are requested - these are requested by and handled by these other services only - Breakup Box has no access to this information and it does not request or collect any personally identifying information from these services. Requesting a user id and password is not needed for Apple iCloud Drive uploads.

Breakup Box's access to a user's Google Drive account is restricted files that it creates - the app cannot access any other files. All files are created within the folder 'Breakup Box'.

Breakup Box's access to a user's Dropbox account is restricted to the 'Apps/Breakup Box' folder - it cannot access files outside of this folder.

Breakup Box's access to a user's iCloud Drive account is restricted to the 'Breakup Box' folder - it cannot access files outside of this folder.

The Contact Support option creates a draft email that includes a plain text attachment. This attachment contains device type and iOS version, the initials of the ex's managed within the app, the start and stop dates associated with those ex's, and the quantity and sizes of the different pieces of content stored by the app. It does not include the content itself. The information in this attachment is used for diagnostic purposes. It is possible for the user to delete the attachment before sending the email.

Breakup Box uses Google's AdMob advertising service. AdMob's privacy policy is available at

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